Receiving your online bank account statements electronically is not only a wise choice to help protect the environment and reduce paper waste, it also offers many other benefits such as:
- Receive your statement days earlier than paper statements.
- Access your statements online any time of the day through eBanking.
- Print statements only when needed and have an online archive of past statements.
- All past statements available will be in your history the day you enroll.
- Receive your tax forms at the end of the year earlier than waiting for paper forms.
- More secure than retaining paper copies at your home.
Accepting eStatements is part of the online banking enrollment process. You have the option to decline eStatements and if you change your mind later you can always enroll by clicking on the Statements tab in Online Banking.
If you are not yet enrolled in Online Banking Please contact our member services at (800) 865-8328 to get started.